Crystal Meditation is part of my daily practice and has deepened my connection to my Art, Crystals and overall improved my Mental health! It’s an important practice that I highly recommend for other Highly sensitive, Empathic, Creative, Intuitive, and/or Neurodivergent folks like myself. Truly EVERYONE would benefit from a Meditation practice in my opinion, but I absolutely recommend this tool as a gift of self care and releasing resistance to the stresses of daily life. By creating a Practice and having a particular ritual for this process makes it easier for you to drop in and get to that deeper space of inner connection and peace. It takes time to develop but you are worth it!! That is why they call it a practice! For Crystal Meditation, I will intuitively choose which crystals I feel resonate for me at the time (and often will work with a grouping of crystals for months at a time) but you can also choose by chakra or your intentions and pick the crystal accordingly. Then you place them on the body and or in your palms and set your container of time with an alarm clock! Partnered with Frequency music, this helps you focus on the sound and your breath as opposed to the thoughts that inevitably arise during meditation.

I recommend: 528 Miracle hertz or 432 hertz and many more. You can look them up on Youtube for hours of frequency music!

There are many forms of meditation, not just one, so I encourage you to explore! Guided meditation is also a powerful tool in Spiritual Learning and meeting guides, and other specific purposes. It should be done by a trusted Leader. I personally prefer Crystal Body Layout meditations for my daily practice especially if I am limited on time!

Below is a Youtube Video of a few guided meditations that I created that you can use as a short, but effective, tools for relaxation and recharging your energy! Channeled at the Highest vibration of love for the highest and greatest good!

Crystal Meditation is part of my daily practice! I love to layout with crystals on the body to deepen the experience! I intuitively choose which crystals I feel resonate for me at the time, but you can also line them up by chakra!


WRITING CAN BE A POWERFUL PRACTICE OF SELF REFLECTION! If you are one who enjoys self reflection, writing your New Moon Intentions and or Full Moon release, manifestations, poetry, brainstorming ideas or jotting down dreams, you may enjoy these following Journal prompts!


Here are some Questions to ask yourself in your writing process to get in touch with feelings, intentions and goals!

-What am I feeling? Refer to list of emotions so you clearly identify:

-What is my Focus/ Goal for the day? 

-What are my intentions of how I want to feel?

-What am I celebrating/looking forward to today? 

You can also pull a Tarot or Oracle Card for inspiration!

Evening Journal/Reflection: 

-What is being reflected back to me in my relationships and interactions today?

-What are the lessons from today or messages I received from my higher self or guides? 

-What feelings came up for me today and what did I make that mean?

-What can I do today that my future self will thank me for?